Thursday, October 29, 2020


 First, I checked on my package from Amazon and it went from a city near my house this morning to Anchorage, Alaska. I am not sure why my package of couscous went to Alaska but it had a tour of the Northwest.  I think if your package doesn't arrive when they say, it should be like Domino's Pizza, "we get it to you when we say or it is free."  When your package arrives four days late because it went to Alaska instead of your house, it should be free, right?

I had another art class today.  It was an art class for kids to learn about voting but I had fun.  We did voting badges.  I made my own voting badge.

I am not an artist and I really can't draw (especially circles) but it was fun and something out of the box.

Last night I took off Lucky's cone and let her sleep without it and she was sound asleep.  She even slept in her own bed.  She was knocked out and didn't wake up until the morning.

Tonight I participated in a virtual show put on by an Academy of Sciences.  They had a Halloween special with an expert on spiders and squids and decaying alligators and other gory things.  It was super interesting and not at all what I thought it would be.  I hope they do it again.  I love to learn new things even if it is about spiders and squids and decaying alligators!  Got me in the mood for Halloween.

Until tomorrow...

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