Friday, August 13, 2021


 I am just going to say it: I will not miss the French Pastry chapter.  The recipes take too long and are too confusing since there are mistakes.  Not my mistakes but mistakes in the directions.  Today I found out that the recipe called for 2 lbs of Granny Smith apples.  I bought 2 lbs of Granny Smith apples.  The recipe says to take the Granny Smith apples and make compote.  Then further in the recipe it says take the Pink Lady apples and slice them.  The what??  No where in the ingredients does it say to buy Pink Lady apples.  I have already made the tart crust and the almond custard to go in it so I can't go back now.  I will have to use some of those Granny Smith apples instead of the Pink Lady apples.  There will be less compote because I will have to hold back some apples but guess what?  It doesn't say how many apples I will need so I will have to guess.  See my frustration??  This is the second recipe that is messed up.

 I had a video meeting with my doctor today.  I had wanted to not change a medication until after the pandemic was over but she is adamant that I have waited too long already and I need to change it soon.  It is menopause medication.  I have been resistant to going into menopause while in lock down.  I stayed on my current medication but now she is putting me on estrogen patch and progesterone pill.  I hope it doesn't make me have effects.  So far I haven't had any.  She thinks I may have already missed most of it.  

They just hot off fireworks after the baseball game. I so hate it when random people shoot off fireworks. We have been having a lot of that during the pandemic.  I think three times a year is enough: Labor day, 4th of July and Memorial Day.  The rest of the year they should be banned except for special occasions like special baseball games, the Superbowl, and wars ending.  It is so annoying to have them go off on a random night.  

No walking today.  The air quality started as a yellow of all types and then went green but I was already not in the mood to walk by that time.  It was a rough day.

Until tomorrow...

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