Monday, March 1, 2021


 I did just a little bit of cooking today. In fact I did baking today. It was my friend's birthday on Sunday and I wanted to make a sweet treat to share with her when she stops by tomorrow for a distance afternoon break. I started by making the Chocolate Ganache.  It is so chocolately and silky.  Then I made the pie crust. Now, I know I have said how I hate pies in the past but this is a Raw Brownie Pie Crust.  It is made out of nuts, dates, and cocoa powder.  It is SO good.  I have nuts soaking for tomorrow to make cashew ice cream to put in the pie crust. The ganache goes on the ice cream and I may put some peach glaze on top that I have in the freezer. 

This is a short cut that I saw on a cooking show. You use a jar or glass to shape out and flatten out the "dough" in the pie crust.  

I have to start doing my taxes but to do that I needed to clear off my folding table.  Currently it has my puzzle on it.  I moved my puzzle but not without a puzzle accident.  I thought I had cleared off a large enough space on the dining room table to move the puzzle felt onto it.  I started moving the felt only to find out the space was not big enough and puzzle pieces started jumping onto the floor. I had to stop the process and move somethings and then move the felt.  Once I moved the felt I saw that some of the edge was messed up so I had to sit down and fix the edge.  I think I messed it up but I got frustrated and decided it was best to do the rest later when I wasn't frustrated.

Until tomorrow...

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