Saturday, March 13, 2021


It has been one year since Happi passed away.  I miss her every day. Some days I almost call her because I forget she is gone.  She was the best dog. She was the love of my life.

I can never thank my friend S enough for coming with me on that day when I had to put Happi to sleep.  I was a mess in the car going to the veterinarian's office and Happi was panicking because she hated being in a car since our car accident.  S was so sweet listening to me talk to Happi and tell Happi her story.  Happi loved hearing her story of how she came to live with me.  Her story of how strong she was to escape her circumstances so many times.     

It is just me and Lucky and Sunny (the bird) now.  Lucky is a sweet little dog who tries real hard.  She has really blossomed in the last year.  She likes getting all the attention and getting her way.  

I tried a special yoga class today made for people with arthritis.  The instructor was super nice and showed us how to do the poses in a chair, on the floor or standing.  I tried, I really did.  It is just so hard for me to do yoga.  Here's why: I can't put weight on my hands, wrists, knees or hips.  So almost all floor exercises are impossible.  I can't do much with my left shoulder because I think I tore my rotator cuff last year when I fell and I reinjured it during the lockdown.  So almost all movements in the chair and standing are impossible.  I tried for about 20 minutes and I was able to do about 30% and then I gave up.  What fun is Sun Salutation when you can't lift your arms.  I can't do downward dog or the one where you are a table and lift one leg and one arm.  And forget the one where you look like someone praying on the ground.  No can do.  My hips and knees can't take that.

It was a zoom so I muted and faced the camera toward the ceiling and watched TV until it was done and then joined the social part.  I may try the tai chi.  I know I can do tai chi, I used to do it on Sunday mornings in the park.  I really liked doing tai chi.  I stopped because my friend stopped going with me.  We were the youngest people in the group and I felt silly going by myself.  

I took my Vietnamese cooking course test and I passed with a 90%.  I got one answer wrong. But I passed and I got my certificate.  Now I passed: Vietnamese, German, Japanese/Ramen,  and Thai. I need to finish Italian.  Moving on to Korean!

Until tomorrow...

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