Saturday, March 14, 2020


Well, Lucky ate food yesterday so the day started out good.  She gobbled down her food and her medicine.  It is the first time she has eaten in days.  I guess she has turned the corner on her gastrointestinal issue.

Today she pooped for the first time and it was normal.  I know that sounds gross but after a week of not normal poop (what I called chocolate pudding type poop) this was a relief.  I am sure it was more of a relief for her more than me.

I am having a hard time today.  I had moments of crying and moments of remembering good times.  I miss Happi and this house is so very quiet.  I spent months taking care of Happi every couple of hours and now I feel like I have a huge void in my day.  I have so much time that I was spending taking care of her or worrying about her. 

I am sequestered so I only took Lucky for a walk in our empty neighborhood.   I did some more clean up in my bedroom.  Happi had spent her last months in my bedroom except to eat.  I could not vacuum in my bedroom because the sound of the vacuum hurt her ears so I am anxious to give my room a good vacuum.  I am washing my bedding and putting some new bedding I have had for many years but never used because it is white and didn't want to use it with two dogs climbing around on it.  Now is the time to use it.

I am making a list of things I have to do to keep busy.  It is too easy to get stuck binge watching TV shows and movies.  Meanwhile my house stays a mess from this last week when I didn't have time to clean things up.

I went to get my prescription (the last one I will go get in person) and I was shocked how the person behind me in line kept infringing on my space.  Forget six feet distance!  I was lucky she gave me one foot.  I kept moving away from her and she kept moving closer.  I was just about to say something when I was called to the counter.  People!  Leave room between you and the person near you.  Social Distancing means don't come up on people.  You should be the length of your arm and their arm at the very least. 

Until tomorrow...

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