Thursday, July 6, 2023


I'm sure to you this is boring but to me, cleaning out my home is revitalizing! Tonight was trash night and both my recycle bin and trash bin are overflowing. I can walk around my office without tripping on something. My living room is so organized I have space to do tai chi now. Everything seems lighter. 

Of course I could practice tai chi but my Chrome Cast stopped working. Erg...

I went to accupuncture and after the needles were put in, I fell asleep. I had weird dreams. I hear this is common.

I have one more morning of decluttering until the cleaning people come. I can't wait to have a sparkling clean house. 

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Lord, I am sure I have said it before, but I went to a giant Yoga class, about 50 people. I did some poses maybe all like none. I fell asleep on my mat. They left me. One hour after class i woke up on the floor in a large room, all the lights off. i was so embarrassed, i never went back. I hear I was snoring. LOL


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