Monday, July 17, 2023


 I went to the foot doctor today and took my CD disk with me from my MRI. She looked at the MRI photos and then read the report. If you could have seen the look of shock on her face when she read that there is no neuroma. It turns out I have arthritis in my big toe (shocker) and a bursa between my third and fourth toes. Medline Plus says "A bursa is a small, fluid-filled sac that acts as a cushion between a bone and other moving parts, such as muscles, tendons, or skin. Bursitis occurs when a bursa becomes inflamed. People get bursitis by overusing a joint. It can also be caused by an injury. It usually occurs at the knee or elbow." Doesn't that sound like fun?! 

 The doctor let me know that she could give me another shot that had more things in it: painkiller, local anesthetic and steroids to name a few. Then if that didn't work and it was still very painful, I might need surgery. The downside to surgery is that she would be cutting the nerve to a toe. Just such a fun morning!

The needle in the foot didn't hurt too much this time due to the local. It is hours later and I don't really feel anything. 

I came home and let the contractor in to finish the molding and some more painting. I had a talk with the head guy about the workers not being too responsible: leaving my door unlocked and open, not cleaning up too good, not doing a 99% good job. He said he knew and he was always coming to check up on him. It is his relative so it is a hard situation. 

I talked to the vet to ask about increasing Lucky's pain meds. He agreed. She has just been so growly and not too much fun. 

That was what is new here. 

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Tell Lucky to hang in, old pups so not always feel better.


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