Thursday, July 13, 2023


 Today was the big barbecue. It was big for me since it is my first barbecue in years. My sister-in-law arrived for her conference and she came straight to my house. Then my parents arrived and the "party" began. 

We opened my new table and used my Hawaiian decorated plates and accessories. Everything was orange, red and yellow. Then the grill issue started: we could not open the tank valve on the vegan grill. It is the new tank we bought on Tuesday and had it open then. I think someone tightened it to much.  We tried for 15 minutes then I decided to cook my sweet potato burger inside on the stove. The "meat" grill worked fine and the Impossible burgers were cooked into cheese burgers. 

I served the lemon potato salad and all the fixings for burgers. My new table was perfect and I got out the umbrella. It turns out my stand does not work with this umbrella, so after lunch we all researched a stand that would work. 

After the burgers, I served a dessert that I made a couple of months ago and froze. Unfortunately since it is so hot here, it melted a bit. They all said it was delicious even if it doesn't look perfect. I served them the lavender blueberry cheesecake. 

 Lucky came down for a bit while we were eating and wandered around. That is the most social interaction I have seen in awhile. 

Overall we had a beautiful day and a great barbecue. 

Until tomorrow...


  1. i dig a cool BBQ !!

    1. I read that you are in MN visiting Prince's home. I'm a little envious! I love Prince.


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