Saturday, July 15, 2023


 I slept late after this week. I had texted my friend who is in Hawaii to see if he wanted company. He said yes! I started looking up flights and next thing I know, I booked a flight to HAWAII. Then it took me a long time to find a hotel that had everything I wanted. Namely a private bathroom. I was going to stay at an eco-retreat but they only had shared bathrooms. Then someone  suggested a hostel. I am too old to stay in a hostel. I didn't even stay in a hostel when I was in my 20's. 

I finally found a hotel and called them to make sure the bathrooms were private and that it has a refrigerator. I need a fridge for my medicine. Plus, I like making breakfast in my room. Restaurants rarely have vegan food. My trick is to stop by a Walmart/Target/etc. to get a cheap toaster. I use it for a week and then leave it for the staff. The cost of a $20 toaster, muffins and fruit is still cheaper than eating breakfast out every morning.  That is my cheap travel tip of the week. My other tip for vegans is to bring your butter and peanut butter so you don't have to buy a huge amount when you arrive. I put my vegan butter in with my medicine. 

Then I booked a ticket for Oregon where I am going to see my friend for the weekend. Then I worked on rental cars. Next thing I knew it was mid-afternoon. 

I went out back and sat in the backyard. I tried to read but ended up meditating instead. I think the meditating is helping. I had a triggering incident yesterday and instead of getting  hot under the collar as I usually would have, I was calm and didn't let it bother me. Progress. 

Until tomorrow...


  1. Oh how cool, I ma trying to get Mrs. Sheryl to go to Hawaii this fall. Moving that woman off of no is like moving a mountain.

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