Wednesday, May 18, 2022


 I decided to make Lucky some vegan dog treats today. I ran out of pumpkin so I used apple sauce instead. I cut them out in cute shapes: squirrels, bunnies, dog houses, carrots and flowers. All things dogs love or love to chase. I gave her a taste and she loved her cookie. 

Besides that I did nothing except meditate and work. I took Lucky for a short walk. That was my day.

Until tomorrow...


  1. wow Those treat look pretty good. Along with the peanut butter treats send 2 dozen of them.

    1. After hearing about the recall of the peanut butter, maybe you want to change your mind about wanting the peanut butter treats. I threw away all the cookies for Lucky.

  2. I saw that in a later blog. Maybe you will make me new ones ways Peter Pan. Lol. Actually I no longer eat as much peanut butter. I honestly can eat a jar a day if I let myself. So I stick to powdered no fat peanut butter these days. When we shopped on Tuesday we walked thru the peanut butter aisle and it was decimated. I think it might be impossible to purchase PB today in Indiana. Amazing how thin the supplies are for that staple.


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