Friday, May 20, 2022


 I had this whole thing planned to write but I am in a bit of pain so I am going to make this short and go lay down. I basically worked on the same project as yesterday for another three hours today. I got it done and sent in at 4:59pm. One minute before deadline. I was proud it was not late. I said I would have it completed by 5pm. It is a draft so it doesn't look pretty but the info is there. It was exhausting to do a project of this size in two days. 

While I did the project I had Kung,Fu Panda 1, 2 and 3 playing in the background. That was how long I worked on this project. I need noise when I have to concentrate on things. Silence makes me stir crazy. 

Going to lay down now. 

Until tomorrow...


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