Saturday, May 28, 2022


Today was the day I got my 5th COVID vaccine. Yes, my fifth. It is not widely advertised but if you are in a risk category such as immunocompromised, you can get another vaccine after 4 months after your last one. I decide that my four month mark was today, this was a perfect opportunity since I had a holiday weekend to recuperate. 

How was it you ask? First, the guy administering the shot looked at me and said haven't I given you a shot before? I'm starting to be a regular at my local COVID vaccine place. Then he gave me the shot and had me sit there for 15 minutes. Once again I drove most of the way to the location which is only a 10 minute walk. If you are a regular reader you will remember during shot number three I walked home uphill and it was not good to do that much exertion after a COVID vaccine. So this time and last time I drove most of the way and parked. 

When I got home I had a work emergency (despite me telling everyone that I was getting this vaccine) and then I got into bed. I had some TV and movies lined up to watch. I fell asleep at some point. 

My arm hurts a lot, my body temp does seem to regulate, and I am having abdomen pain but I don't think that is vaccine related. Let's see what tomorrow brings. So far not too bad. 

Until tomorrow...


  1. I also have had 5. I am thinking of getting 5 more. No i don't think so far it has done anything, but I o really like the pharmacist. Sheryl says I may have a thing for her. Really it is just that I think I am super attracted to anyone with access to that many medications. :)

    1. I will take as many vaccines as I can get. You are so funny! Your wife is very lucky.


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