Wednesday, March 30, 2022


 The veterinarian called about Lucky. She does not have a UTI. So that is good news. I talked to him about the fact that she is licking her feet. He said she needs to get an allergy shot tomorrow. I also brought up that she may be having pain in her hips again and can't take the medicine she took last time because it worked at first and then made her anxious. He is calling in another pain medicine. It is tricky because her other medicine makes it hard to give her pain medicine. So Lucky is either peeing a lot because she is in pain or because she is trying to get attention. Something to sort out.

I made another interesting dinner. It was vegan pasta with green beans, pinto beans, avocado and almonds.  It may not sound very good but it was better than you think. I am finding these interesting combinations are better than I think they are going to be.

I did some picking up and writing out some cards to mail. I worked on a work project. 

I also got some good news about my taxes. I thought it was going to be bad news but it turned out good. 

Until tomorrow...


  1. good and bad news about Lucky. Tax news is great. I think generally this year most people are finding good tax news. I know we did.

    1. Lucky is doing better. I hear the tax news seems to be good.


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