Tuesday, March 22, 2022


 I spent part of today researching the connection between Sjögren's and Interstitial Cystitis (IC). Current research shows that if a person (mostly a female) has Sjögren's may develop IC. I need to find out why this is. Sjögren's, for those of you who do not know is n auto immune disease that causes the body's immune system to attack its own healthy cells that produce saliva and tears. Sjögren's can also cause dysfunction of organs such as the kidneys, gastrointestinal system, blood vessels, lungs, liver, pancreas, and the central nervous system. 

IC, also called Bladder  Pain Syndrome (BPS),  is a feeling of pain and pressure in the bladder area along with frequent urination.  For some people it may go away on its own. For others different things may have to happen such as change in diet. 

I am starting with a 10 day elimination of trigger foods. I have a long list of foods I can't eat. Then after 10 days I will reintroduce one food at a time. First day, a small amount. Second day a larger amount and on the third day a regular portion. If I am fine then I can move on to another food item. Since the list is long this will take a long time. Some of the foods will be out of season so they will have to wait. It will be hard to find Brussels sprouts and watermelon in April. I have to keep a food diary to keep track of what foods are a trigger for me. I am hoping there aren't any. I was cheating and drinking a bit of caffeinated tea and green tea. I know better than doing that. That may have triggered this whole thing. 

It was a super nice day today so I sat outside in the backyard for about an hour. It was nice sitting in the peace and quiet. I also took Lucky for a short walk and cleaned up the kitchen. I am trying to get moving again. It is just hard. 

Having an RA flare at the same time as this whatever IC flare or UTI is really sapping my energy and will to get up and get anything completed. I look around my home that has been neglected for over a week and I lay back down on the couch.

Until tomorrow...

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