Tuesday, March 29, 2022


 Today I felt so much better. This is probably TMI but I am peeing much less even though I am drinking a lot. The pain in my abdomen has decreased tremendously. I am still fatigued. 

Today was a day of work again. This is a good thing having so much work. Although I wish I was baking or cooking. 

I did make a new combination for dinner. Vegan Pasta with Avocado, Sweet Potato and Green Beans. It sounds like a mish-mash but it tasted pretty good. 

I had to give Lucky a bath because she is licking her feet. I think she got something on them when we went to the vet's office or when she went to the park. It may be allergies. She seems a bit better since the bath. She is really good if I tell her to stop licking. She doesn't want to wear the "cone of shame". 

Until tomorrow...


  1. I am so glad you are feeling better. Its cool that lucky lucked out with the walk today.

    1. Thank you. I hope to be getting better each day.


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