Saturday, March 19, 2022


I don't have much to report. I feel basically the same. I did basically the same. I am catching up on TV shows and movies and things I can do with little brain power and without moving. That leaves very little. 

I have one more day left of the antibiotics and I think I can safely say they didn't work. I am glad I jumped in and put Plan B into action last week. Plan B is to see a physician asst first thing Monday morning. 

Let's hope we figure this out soon. I am anxious to get back to doing constructive things again. 

Until tomorrow...


  1. Goodness what a rough road. I hope you get your new path going tomorrow. If it helps(it wont) I will send you my very best wishes to get better soon.

    1. Thanks for the nice wishes. I am just over this!


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