Thursday, December 16, 2021


 I wanted to make another set of cookies today but I used up all the almonds yesterday so I had no more. I had to online food shop instead. Luckily I got a delivery this evening so I will be able to bake tomorrow. Instead I set up the Christmas tree and worked on the puzzle for a few minutes. I also had a three hour workshop this morning. It was a busy day of not baking. 

Now I am behind on my baking plan. I am ditching the complicated cookies that I had planned and go with some more simple cookies. I think I am making Linzer cookies, cocoa shortbread cookies (maybe with some candy cane on top) and coconut cookies. 

I decided to celebrate the holidays today by ordering Thai food this evening. I was so excited to eat my favorite Thai food again. It tasted so good. I haven't ordered takeout food for over a year to try and be thrifty since I can make most of the food myself. It was nice having someone else cook for a change.

Until tomorrow...


  1. I have not had Thai food in years. It is so sweet, that it is often difficult for me ot have, but it sure looks good.

  2. Yes, it was good. This is tofu in peanut sauce. A little more spicy than sweet. But I understand having foods you can't eat.


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