Saturday, December 25, 2021


 Merry Christmas! It is late because I was watching a Christmas episode of a show and right at the end I heard a loud boom crash and I thought I was getting broken into but it was the fence between my house and my neighbors. The fence fell down. It is a wooden fence and it crashed. Now I am not sure if it came down from the weather or someone pushing it. We will never know but the noise was really loud. Without that fence the downstairs neighbor's apartment is exposed since he uses the surrounding fence as his security. Now any Tom, Dick or Harry could break into his apartment very easily since he is on the ground floor with windows and a glass door. 

Anyway, I alerted the neighbors but it is Christmas night and no one answered their phones. 

Today was a day of resting my knee. Although with Lucky running me ragged I am not sure how much I rested. She was not happy that I wanted her to sit still today. She is tired of sitting still. It has been three days since she had a proper walk. She has energy to spare.

Lucky got a very nice food bowl for Christmas. I got so many wonderful things. My neighbor (with the fence) made me a wonderful vegan crumble cookie. Every year since I moved in he has made me a breakfast treat delivered on Christmas morning. This year he made me a vegan treat. He is so nice.

It was a relaxing day with Chinese food for my meal. 

Until tomorrow...


  1. Good fences make for good neighbors. But on the ground fences make for even better breakfast? :)

    1. The fence has been temporarily fixed. They kept me posted to let me know what was happening. They are so sweet.

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    3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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