Monday, December 13, 2021


 Today is National Cocoa Day. What? You didn't know? I didn't know either. I made hot cocoa when I found out. I added vegan marshmallows and shaved chocolate. Yummy!!

Today I had to work on a hard spreadsheet project and it took hours. I am not a spreadsheet expert so I was so excited when it worked out. 

It rained all day today. Lucky went to the park with the dog walker. When she returned he said she was so unhappy all afternoon. She was covered in mud so I threw her in the bathtub and gave her a quick partial bath. She seemed pretty happy once it was over. 

Until tomorrow...


  1. Sugar free for me!! Still, bottoms up !!!

  2. I understand. I have a hot chocolate about 4 times a year. I bake a lot but don't eat sweets a lot.


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