Tuesday, September 7, 2021


 I am back to baking the Italian Pastry course.  I got some good news that I will be continuing this cooking course past the one year that I originally signed up for.  I am stoked mostly because I don't think I will be able to finish the current number of chapters in the original twelve months and the added another chapter and are about to add another chapter.

Today I baked Vegan Hazelnut Crumble Shortbread Cookies.  I had the option of making a hazelnut crumble that I would put on something like a cake or to make shortbread cookies.  I decided to make cookies and then tomorrow add something to those cookies.  It could be fun and exciting and delicious or it could be a complete fail.  Who knows?  

These cookies are crunchy and sweet.  They are rough and crumbly but really good.  They are not delicate cookies in that they are made from three different types of grain: rice flour, hazelnut flour and cornmeal.  

Lucky and I took a 2-mile outside walk today.  The air was very clear and we needed to get outside.

Until tomorrow...

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