Saturday, December 5, 2020


 I call it the pantry but my kitchen is so small that it is really a cabinet. I keep my dry goods and canned food in a cabinet. I should have taken a before photo but I forgot. There was food on top of food. Food falling out every time  I opened the doors. It was a mess. 

The jars arrived yesterday and I wanted to get them in action right away. I wanted to organize the cabinet. First off I could not find my yeast or national yeast. Both things I need. Then I started realizing I had no idea what was in the cabinet at all. 

I woke up this morning and got to work. First, I began filling the jars. They looked so great. Then I had so much room that I wanted more room. I began clearing out another shelf, then another, then another cabinet.  I threw away so much old and useless food. The expiration dates scared even me. I had Crystal Light that had a use by date of the year 2000. I don’t even drink Crystal Light. 

After I cleared out, I sorted and made zones. I now have a baking shelf. I have a shelf with all the vinegars and such. Then I put all my boxed food snacks on a shelf. I organized my grains and rice on a shelf.

It all looks so much better. I still have more to do but I can open the cabinet and things don’t fall out like they used to.  

It’s my brother and sister-in-law’s anniversary today. Happy anniversary! It was my brother and his husband's anniversary earlier this week. Happy anniversary!

Until tomorrow...

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