Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Three characteristics I admire in people.

Three characteristics I admire in people are:

1. Honesty
2. Integrity
3. The ability to have fun

HONESTY- I think it is important to be honest. It is hard sometimes to find honest people. Just like Dr. Gregory House on the show House says "everybody lies". I don't think people always mean to lie, I think they sometimes just don't want to tell the truth and they get caught. Like when you find out a friend was not at the movies like she told you but was somewhere else. It hurts that your friend didn't tell you the truth.

INTEGRITY- "Adherence to a strict moral or ethical code". People who are ethical and moral. People who return the shopping cart to the cart pen at the supermarket. People who pick up their dog poop. People who recycle (and maybe even compost!) People who give up their seat for pregnant women, disabled folks and elderly folks. Those are people with integrity. They do the right thing because it is the right thing not because someone is watching.

THE ABILITY TO HAVE FUN- I really admire people who have fun no matter where they are. They laugh all the time. I think sometimes I am that person. I try to be that person.

Are there three characteristics you admire?

Tomorrow's Challenge: Favorite time of year (spring, summer, winter, fall, summer solstice, Halloween, Christmas, etc.)

Medical Update: 
Scheduled my physical therapy appointment for next week. Yay!

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Definitely agree with the first two. Honesty and integrity make life so much easier to cope with when you and others share the same outlook. The last one is similar = those people who love life and you no matter what.
    Good news about physio.
    Lorna x


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