Wednesday, July 11, 2012


What do you love on your pizza? Why do you love it? Deep dish or thin crust?

Ah, pizza!  I do love my pizza.  I am what you would call a pizza snob.  I come from the New York area so I know pizza.  I sometimes dream of pizza from back home.  Once (pre-9/11) I even had a pizza parlor cook a pizza 3/4 of the way and then cut the pizza into slices and wrap each slice individually and package it all up so I could take it on the plane. The whole plane smelled like pizza. When I got back to the West Coast I had pizza for days. All I had to do is put one slice in the oven and cook it the rest of the way.  Ah that was heaven...
How do I love my pizza?  Made in New York.  I like it plain, by the slice, thin crust (but not too thin) so you can fold it with the mozzarella dripping off.  Is there any way? 

Okay, you all know I am lactose intolerant so when I know I am going back East I don't eat any dairy products for weeks to get ready.  I go on a dairy fast so that I can have a couple of slices of pizza without getting sick. Yes, I take the lactose pills but I have the intolerance bad.  I take 6 pills and I STILL get sick.  But it is worth it to taste NY pizza.

Sometimes here on the West Coast I go to a restaurant that has pretty good deep dish pizza.  It comes with all sorts of veggies on it.  Pretty good for deep dish.

One place I want to go is Chicago where I saw a TV program where they make a "pizza" in a bowl.  It looked so good.  They put the cheese, sauce and stuff in the bowl and then the pizza dough on top and bake it.  It is called a Pizza Pot Pie made by CHICAGO PIZZA AND OVEN GRINDER COMPANY.   I hear it is excellent.  That should be on my bucket list!

Now that I am writing about it I am going to dream about it!

So what is your favorite type of pizza?  Why do you like pizza?  What pizza do you crave?

Tomorrow's Challenge: Early bird or night owl? Which are you? Why?

Medical Update: Just doing my physical therapy exercises.  Nothing exciting to say.

Until tomorrow...

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