Tuesday, February 15, 2022


 Yesterday I delivered Valentine's Day packets filled with cookies and chocolate to my friends and neighbors. The packets included the cookies that I decorated and chocolates that I made. The people who received the packets seemed very happy to get a Valentine's day surprise. 

I was so happy this afternoon when I got a big delivery. It was a package I have been expecting for weeks. It was a cart for the kitchen. My sister-in-law and I discussed this in depth over a month ago and then I bought it online. I didn't know it would take this long for it to arrive. I put it together in 15 minutes and this evening I put a number of items in it. I bought it for my baking items. Bakers have a number of items (some small) that I need to keep together and I had nowhere to put them. I have an old kitchen and the drawers are not deep. I wanted to put some of my packing items in one place, all my cookie cutters in one place and piping bags in another place. Now I can. The drawers are about 6" deep so they hold a bit and the cart rolls. I am super pleased with my choice. This also leaves some more space in my existing drawers which is good. 

I did not ride the stationary bike like I did last night but today Lucky and I went for a walk. 

Until tomorrow...


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