Thursday, February 3, 2022


 Today I was a manager. I managed my gardener while he cleared out my backyard. The clover in the backyard was so high Lucky looked like she was on safari. The gardener I have is not fast but he is thorough. He also hung a wall mount organizer on the wall by my back door so I could hang the broom, hoe, shovel and rake. I bought this organizer 10 years ago and have never installed it. He did it in like 15 minutes. I am so happy to have my tools off the floor and out of the way of the stairs so people will no longer trip on them. Another thing checked off the "million item to do list". 

The backyard looks amazing. He may take forever but when he leaves the garden is ready for a magazine cover. It always makes me so happy. I wish I had the health to keep it looking like this all the time but he says he can help me try to make it more manageable. 

Lucky got out and grabbed a chocolate cloud I had given the gardener. She sneaked and snatched one from his plate. I had to grab her and shake her upside down until she spit it out. Luckily they were big candies and she couldn't just swallow it. She was giving me the ugly growl and would have bitten me but then she would have had to give up the candy. She did not want to give that candy up but she did eventually. I gave her an appropriate cookie for giving it up. 

Years ago her old dog walker told me he was walking her and she got a hold of a chicken bone and he had to do the same thing. He shook her upside down and she finally let it go. That is where I learned what to do. I am glad my reflexes remembered. I honestly didn't think, I just did. In case you don't know, chocolate is toxic to dogs and this chocolate would be very toxic. It is top end chocolate with top end chocolate inside and they are the size of a large walnut or silver dollar. That is a lot of chocolate for a little dog to consume. Not like a dog eating an M&M. Lucky is fine now with nothing hurt but her pride.

Until tomorrow...


  1. Replies
    1. Lucky is a sneak who almost had a bad outcome. She is asleep next to me.


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