Wednesday, February 23, 2022


 I am feeling much better today. The fatigue has subsided somewhat. I still have most of the pain in my hands. I definitely feel this is a step in the right direction. Yesterday was pretty brutal. I haven't had a RA day like that in a long time and yes, I did think it may be COVID for a split second. I did some reading and there were not enough symptoms and they would not have stayed for one day. It was a flare. 

Now that the fear of having contracted COVID is behind me, I took Lucky out for a short walk. I wanted to see how her limp was. She is only limping a little bit. I only gave her the knock out drugs after the walk. 

To make the day interesting, I had an ant invasion. I was about to take a shower when I saw a couple of ants and then I saw more. I had to clear out the whole area and clean everything off. My pest guy says soapy water is the way to go. So now my kitchen is all in chaos until I can solve the ant invasion problem. They are looking for food and water. Ugh!

Until tomorrow...


  1. All animals including insects want three things. Food, Water and ,,, ahh, well that other thing. So do you think the ants might view the soapy water as their very own adult ant hot tub experience?

    1. See today's post. Not a hot tub. But you are funny!


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