Wednesday, October 20, 2021


 Okay, the days just keep coming. 

This morning I had to take Lucky to an emergency veterinarian appointment because late yesterday I thought she ate one or two screws. I was working on my new desk and I left the desk for about an hour while my drill was charging and Lucky was walking around back in the office. I didn't think anything about it at the time. Then I came to drill the screws and they were gone. I searched the house 5 times. Every surface, the floor, in couches, in chairs, clothes, the garbage, everywhere. No screws. Then I thought Lucky was not feeling well the past few days maybe she thought they were treats. They were small screws. But no, she hates anything that doesn't smell like food. She won't even go near if I accidentally drop my medicine. She hates most anything. But she does love to steal my stuff to get attention: pens, post-its, paper, my checkbook, etc. Maybe she stole them and accidentally swallowed them. I was beside myself. I called the vet and they calmed me down and said nothing would happen that night. This morning I took her in after one last sweep of the house, and she had her stomach x-rayed. Of course, no screws. But it wasn't a total loss, they saw she was horribly dehydrated from feeling so poorly over the last few days so they gave her some meds and liquids. 

I got home and once I was relaxed I found the screws. I don't think looking for something when you are panicked is a good idea. I finished putting the desk together and used physics to stand the desk up by myself using books, foot stools and boxes. It worked perfectly. The standing desk goes up and down. 

At the same time I baked chocolate chip cookies with walnuts. I discussed this with my nutritionist and I made tiny chocolate chip cookies. Just bite-sized for bit of sweet when I want one.

 People kept telling me to get help to put the desks together. I am not sure why. I am capable of putting furniture together. I am so capable I put together a treadmill, bookshelves and another desk. Today I put together an electric desk while baking cookies. BAM! Mic drop! 

Until tomorrow...


  1. my issue is always missing pills. When we had pups my wife would go over the moon when i dropped a pill and could not find it. She was certain our little ate it. I would tell her, Sheryl, we cannot get her to take even a small pill when we need her too. Are you saying he is likely to forget she hates pills?



  2. I know what you mean. I was just overreacting. If you are new to my blog, I lost my other dog, Happi, in March of 2020 a few days before the Covid19 lockdown. I guess I am super overbearing with my current dog Lucky. I don't want to be locked down alone.


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