Monday, October 11, 2021


 I got up early and took Lucky to the vet to get the sore on her buttocks checked out. Background: about a month and a half I noticed Lucky had a scab on her buttocks. It took a while for it to heal and fall off. 

Back to this weekend, I saw another mark in the same place on her buttocks. I tried to touch it and Lucky did not like it and let me know with all her teeth barred. I called the vet to get an appointment. Since Monday was a holiday I got a Monday morning appointment. 

I took Lucky today and they checked it out. It is a growth. They biopsied it and it is not cancerous. They suggested I leave it for now and if it becomes infected or has more problems, they will take it off since it requires anesthesia. That seems like a good plan. I also checked on her stomach issues and we decided to increase one of her meds and do another check in in a month or so. She got a pedicure while she was there. Overall a good vet visit for a 12 year old dog.

I spent the whole morning at the vet office so I decided that cooking was out of the question. Instead I figured out a way to put all the items on my counter into a storage box. I have items from each cooking chapter that have been accumulating on my counter to the point that I have no space to cook. Now I have so much more space. I still have to figure something out for the rest of the items. I have had to buy so many items to make all these dishes. 

I decided to make Slow Cook Black-eyed Peas for dinner. I used my crockpot and it took 5 hours. They are delicious. I never really had black-eyed peas before and I never cooked them. It was super easy to make.

Tonight I closed my dishwasher and the handle broke. I can still open it but not without a screwdriver. This is not good. I am super bummed. I need to get this fixed. It seems like a plastic part broke. Ugh.

My friends adopted kid helped me out today. Not only did he stop by two stores for me to pick up my planning calendar and a parking card but he fixed my light box (for photography). I have two light boxes and I could only put together one of them. I have owned this light box for almost a year and have never been able to put this light box together. I tried to put it together at least 5 times for at least 30 minutes each time.  He did it in 1 minute. Literally. The correct use of the word. 

That was my day.

Until tomorrow...

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