Sunday, October 3, 2021


 Well, I finally finished the last Italian Pastry in the course chapter.  It was a long dessert.  It took me days to complete. Some things had to be in the refrigerator for 24 hours and some for 8 hours.  There were three steps and four steps with breaks in between where the thing I was working on had to sit for hours.  But it is done and it looks like a masterpiece. It really looks like something I would order in a restaurant. Something I would pay $20 for. 

The cannoli before I fried them.
From the bottom up: There is Wine Zuppetta (the red liquid) that has prunes soaking. It is a sweet, flavorful liquid.  Then there are dots of Seasoned Vegan Ricotta cheese with orange zest.  It is a sweet cheese. The soaked prunes are on top of the dots of cheese. Then on top of the prunes is the Moscato Gel which is a clear gel but very flavorful. On top of that is the Marsala Tuile - Cannoli. It is a flat cannoli made with marsala wine. It comes out a beautiful pink color.  The cannoli is not made into the shape of a cone in this dish. Then on top of the cannoli I put more dots of Seasoned Ricotta with a few herbs. Then the last item is Vegan Salted Pistachio Ice Cream. This ice cream is amazing. It tastes like something out of an expensive ice cream store. I am so bad I don't want to share any of the ice cream. It is decadent. The whole dessert is decadent. If only I had a sous chef, I would love to make these again!  

Lucky and I took two walks today. I needed it since today was super hot and I was frying 12 cannoli on the hottest day so far this fall.  The ice cream was melting before I even took this photo! I took one cannoli to a neighbor but I am sure these will be a hit!

I took my test for the Fine Italian Pastries and Desserts chapter and passed with flying colors.  I am now moving on to Contemporary Italian Cuisine. I can't do another sweet chapter!  I have to cook real food for awhile.  I will come back to the the chocolate chapter when it cools down outside.

Until tomorrow...

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