Friday, October 15, 2021


I tried to relax a bit today due to my tooth infection. I finally got my antibiotics delivered. I told the Fed Ex guy he was a life saver and he turned around and said thank you sweetie. He comes to my home regularly and he isn't always in a good mood. I am sure his job is not easy during Covid.

I found a gardener!  I am ecstatic. My gardener ghosted me back about 6 months ago. My backyard looks horrible. I saw a guy at my neighbors house and I asked him if he was a gardener. He is. It turns out pre-Covid I helped him when his dog got loose and was running in the road. He remembered me. He came over today (masked and distanced) to look at the backyard. He said it didn't look bad. We definitely have a different definition of bad. But he is going to take on the job. He is going to clean it up and put in new lighting. Then we have a long term plan.

I made ribollita today. I started with soffritto first which is a base of celery and carrots with tomato paste. That is mixed with the ribollita made from kale, cannelloni beans, chard, potatoes, cabbage and stale bread. It needs to sit overnight to get the full flavor. Ribollita means "reboil" since you have to reboil it each time to serve.

Lucky and I took a short walk. 

I tried to buy a new desk from Ikea but the website seems to be having problems, then I started to get through and then the desk was unavailable. Ugh.

Since I have no dishwasher, I am the dishwasher.

Until tomorrow...

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