Thursday, October 21, 2021


 The dental saga continues. Today I went to the dental specialist and had a consult. I had an x-ray and then a special 3-D x-ray that was super cool. It showed a 3D view of my whole head. 

The dentist explained to me that after he took the x-ray he was able to see that my original dentist was drilling in the correct location and that there is a root canal but he couldn't see if there was a problem. He explained that he could do the root canal without the 3D view but it could mean I could loose the tooth if there was a problem that he could not see. Or it could come out fine. He didn't have enough information. I said to go do the 3D view and I was glad I did it. First, it was cool and second it showed that my original dentist drilled a bit off course. He said that was easy to do since she didn't have the special equipment he has. He said now he has the information and it will be easy. I am not as confident as he is because I know my teeth but I will be patient.

I worked the rest of the day. Just a boring day. It rained all day.

Until tomorrow...


  1. Dental and RA is the match made in hell. Good long term luck for certain, and good call on the 3D imagery.

  2. Thank you for the kind words and good luck.


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