Sunday, April 14, 2019


Today was a rocky day.  I think it is hitting the kid that he will be living with me for a long time.  I think he had a vision that was a fairy tale and not based in reality. 

We got a late start after many discussions.  We finally got to Whole Foods and Safeway to get some food we both will eat.  The kid came from a vegetarian household so moving to a vegan household is not a huge stretch.  The big difference is that his previous family ate out or ordered in every dinner so the kid could eat what he wanted.  If it was coming in the house, he had to eat vegetarian.  If they were eating in a restaurant, he could eat anything he wanted.  I have the same rule.  In the house, he has to eat vegan.  Out of the house, he can eat anything he wants.  Cooking at home is a HUGE change for the kid.  He is not thrilled to have to cook at home.  He said he liked to cook but I think he meant bake. 

We got some food we both can eat for the week.  Tonight will be vegan hot dogs and pasta and broccoli.  Ice cream for dessert.  I ate my leftover burger from Friday night and the beans and rice from the party with the broccoli.

After dinner we made vegan chocolate chip cookies.  They are really good.  Since it was late and the kid already had ice cream with chocolate sauce (that he snuck on), he only had one cookie. 

Until tomorrow...

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