Sunday, September 4, 2022


 IT IS HOT! It is somewhere in the 90s today and it is hot. I finished up the Vegan Chocolate Oreo Cheesecake today. I needed to add the chocolate top with the crushed Oreos. 

These are so chocolatey and smooth and delicious. 

I continued doing household tasks. I did the rest of the laundry. I washed my comforter. Very hot days are good for something and that is washing your comforter. I walked Lucky. I put all my chocolate stash in the coolest place in the house. 

I also took Sunny the bird to get his wings, nails and beak clipped. I am glad I did because he had broken two feathers and the base of the feather was still in his body. This is very uncomfortable for birds and they will pluck their feathers to try to get it out so I am glad I brought him today. He will be so happy now. I stayed outside the store for about 40 minutes while I waited for Sunny's turn. It was super hot and there was no shade or anywhere to sit. The store owner knows me and was very understanding that 1) I don't want to stay inside a busy store and 2) I just had my Covid PCR test and I have my procedure on Tuesday so I don't want to be in a busy location. 

I decided to barbecue for dinner. I made vegan barbecue hot dogs, grilled broccoli and cauliflower and baked beans. I ate outside to try and keep cool. 

Until tomorrow...


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