Tuesday, September 13, 2022


 Today was cool. Not like "cool man". Cool like breezy but not breezy. Just cool. It is funny to think that it was 100 degrees last week and now it is around 60 degrees. Temperature whiplash! 

I am feeling SO much better today. I ate more real food and it is fine so far. My voice is still raspy but the pain in my chest is much better. 

I got a lot of work done today. I took Lucky for a walk. I got a load of laundry done. I felt like I got a lot accomplished. 

I started planning my staycation. I have a list of things to do for the Plan A (good weather) and Plan B (crappy weather). I am starting to get excited.

Oh, there have been two earthquakes. They are little earthquakes but they are the first earthquakes I have felt in years. The first was last night. I didn't feel it but Sunny felt it and went crazy. Birds feel earthquakes before humans. The second was around dinner time today and I definitely felt that one. It was little but I felt it. They both were little but sometimes when they are close by you can feel them.  Hopefully that will be the end but the natives call this earthquake season. 

Update on Lucky: she is feeling SO much better. She wanted to walk more than we could today. She wanted to play this evening. She ate more than I gave her for dinner. These are good signs.

Until tomorrow...

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