Tuesday, September 6, 2022


 I woke up at 5:29 am and took a gulp of water. I had to beat my 5:30 am deadline of  "No drinking".  I got myself together and took care of the pets. I had already booked my taxi to get to the center. I decided to walk my mail to the postbox with Lucky when the taxi arrived 12 minutes early. I rushed back to put Lucky in her cage and get myself together. 

I got the place and checked in. It was surprisingly crowded. Well, more crowded than last time I was there for my colonoscopy. I only had to wait 35 minutes before I was taken back. They put in my IV and it immediately hurt. A lot. I told the nurse and she said "yes, it is on your wrist. It will hurt when you bend your wrist." I waited a few minutes and told another nurse "It really hurts." This nurse called the anesthesiologist over to look at it. The first nurse seemed annoyed. It turns out the IV had infiltrated the vein. Good thing I pointed it out before they put the propofol in!  They got what I call the "OG" nurse who has been working there for years and you can tell is the "go to" nurse to find hard to find veins. I have great veins but I was so dehydrated because it is 100 degrees outside and I was not allowed to drink anything! My veins had dried up. This OG nurse found a vein first try and got my set up. I had a huge bump where the vein infiltrated. 

The procedure went fine. I was asleep so I really can't give it a review. I woke up and my chest and throat were killing me. Reasonable since I had a tube down there. I was told that the Dr. didn't see anything concerning but she took biopsies. Five biopsies. She is testing all sorts of things. 

She did see inflammation. My esophagus is irritated. Well, the biopsies did not help this situation. It made it so much worse. 

My neighbor came to pick me up and took me home. I let the dog out and fed her. Then I got into bed. I dozed and watched TV all day. I tried to eat and drink but it was like eating glass. It hurt so much I was almost in tears. I feel nauseous. In the afternoon I finally called the doctor. This can't be alright. She said she felt awful that the biopsies irritated me so much. She called in some meds. 

I just tried to rest and not think about food or drink in the heat. Oh, did I forget to mention that it is in the high 90's today. It is SO hot again. The inside of the house is 87 degrees at 8pm. UGH! These temperatures are fun when you have air conditioning but are not too fun when you have no where to go. I took the bird downstairs again tonight. I worry that a tropical bird might overheat. 

It is time to get more sleep. 

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I am glad all turned out well. I for one like to pass out and get Sheryl to bring me stuff. Yeah, that doe not work for me either.


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