Saturday, November 7, 2020


Those of you who know me, or who have read my blog for a long time, know that my being inside because of Covid-19 was exceptionally hard today. I wanted SO much to go outside and join the folks celebrating in the streets. When the election results news broke, I went on my balcony, rang my bell and yelled with everyone else. The celebrating went on forever. 

Then people went down to a meeting place and started dancing and cheering. I could hear them from my home. Then the helicopters came and they circled for hours. I wanted so badly to go out and join them. I found a person who was live streaming so I could watch but it wasn't the same.

I remember when Bill Clinton was elected and how we danced in the streets. Finally, someone was going to do something about the AIDS crisis. Now it is Biden who is going to do something about Covid-19. 

I was sad I was missing out on the celebration but I celebrated in 1992 for Clinton and 2008 for Obama and I am sure there will be another time to celebrate in my lifetime. I am home, safe and I will hopefully be around to see another president get elected. 

Until tomorrow...

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