Wednesday, November 18, 2020


 I had a headache today.  It is weird that since Covid-19 I have had few headaches and migraines.  I guess it is probably the ability to sleep late and eat when I want (probably too much).  I don't know what brought it on today.  Maybe the weird weather?  Maybe the change in food I am eating with the cooking course? Maybe it is the weird sleep since Lucky has been sick?  Who knows? I took a nap for a few hours and I felt better but not well enough to cook today.  I held off because I felt like I didn't have enough energy.

Tomorrow I will resume the cooking course and make something wonderful.

I am waiting for a delivery of tea lights.  They are special tea lights that I saw online.  They are battery operated and they are on a timer.  I can set them to twinkle for 6 hours and then they turn off.  I had an idea this year that I would decorate my house with an old idea.  They are called luminaria or farolito
is a small paper lantern (commonly a candle set in some sand inside a paper bag) which is of significance in the U.S. state of New Mexico in southwest United States at Christmas time, especially on Christmas Eve.  I thought I would make my own bags with cut outs and use the battery operated tea lights with sand.  This will be a fun art project.

I also bought some tea lights for the inside of my house.  I love real candles but sometimes candles are dangerous and I worry about setting the house on fire.

Little Lucky is still not eating normally.  She didn't eat breakfast and ate only some of dinner.  She went with the dog walker and he said she was acting normal so I am not too worried.  

Until tomorrow...

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