Wednesday, November 11, 2020


I made Sweet Potato Gnocchi today.  The gnocchi was not as easy as the man in the video made it out to be but I can see that if I made it 10 times I would be able to do it faster.  First, I had to figure out the proportions since my sweet potato was the size of a Big Mac.  Really it was the size of two sweet potatoes.  I cut it in half and added three small potatoes (for starch).  I worked out the problem with the food processor, I think I didn't put something in all the way when I mashed the sweet potato and the potatoes.  Then came the putting my hands in mash.  Let me be honest, I am not a fan of getting my hands dirty.  Plus, I had to keep adding flour to the mash and how do you do that if both your hands are full of sweet potato mash??  I sorted that out and kept going.  I got the mash to become a ball of manageable mash and started rolling out the mash to make the gnocchi.

Aren't they adorable?  A little "rustic" they say but looks aren't everything.  Taste is most important.  I made a bunch of these little guys.  Then it came time to dunk them in boiling water.  Next time I need to put the water on while I am cutting the gnocchi.  I let the gnocchi get warm and they started to stick together and they all didn't come out looking like gnocchi!  Remember taste is most important!  

I boiled them all and ate my first batch.  The other batches I either saved for tomorrow's meal or I froze for another day's meal.  I can only eat so much gnocchi at once.  It is good but heavy.  

Here is Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Walnut Pesto.  It was very good.  I really gobbled it up after cutting and cooking all those gnocchi.  I could taste the sweetness of the sweet potato and the tangy flavor of the walnuts.  This will be another meal later this week and for a few weeks in the future!

I am really enjoying this cooking course.  I have to be careful of my hands though.  I can't have too many "hand" intensive things in a row.  The gnocchi was very hand intensive with the rolling and cutting.  I think I will have to space out which recipes I do to not irritate my hands from my rheumatoid arthritis, especially now with the change in the weather.  It has been in the mid-50s this week which is unseasonably cold here.  Pacing myself is key.  I think two things: 1) the good food is good for my diet and whole body and 2) doing something I enjoy and am passionate about is good for my positive outlook.  A positive outlook during Covid-19 is key to staying healthy in mind and spirit.   

It is also my niece's birthday today and I got to sing Happy Birthday to her with the family over the phone.  They sent me photos of her special cupcake and the most beautiful Thanksgiving centerpiece that she made.  Happy Birthday R!  I love you so much!

Until tomorrow...

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