Sunday, January 22, 2023


 I woke up today and I feel a little bit better. Isn’t it weird how for days you can feel so horrible with this disease and the next day feel a bit better? I always am shocked when it happens. I wake up and get my mind ready for another day of not feeling good and then when I feel good it is almost a surprise. A good surprise! But after three days of feeling crummy, it is a surprise. 

I spoke to a family member and tried to explain what I am feeling and once again the person didn’t get it. It is very hard to explain what goes on. This is the best way I can explain it: imagine you have the flu and you know the way your brain feels when you have the flu? Sort of foggy, out of sorts, thick, like you just want to sleep and then you can function. Okay, remember that. 

Now, imagine being on the longest airplane flight you have ever been on and (hopefully) it was overseas. Remember how you felt jet lagged when you landed. Groggy, out of sorts, very tired but wanted to do things, you can barely walk anywhere except to bed, maybe a bit foggy. Okay remember that. 

If you have been drunk before, remember the day after that bachelor /bachelorette party or wedding or 21st birthday. Remember how hungover you were and how you could barely lift your head or hands to get the water bottle to your lips. How putting a sentence together hurt your head. Okay, remuer that.

Now imagine you twisted an ankle or hand and it hurt but you had to stand up and get out of bed or hold a cup of tea. It does matter if it hurts, you still have to let the dog out and open the door and make breakfast. Okay, remember that. 

Now, put all those things together. You are foggy, out of sorts, thick, want to sleep, groggy, tired but want to do things, can barely walk except to bed due to fatigue, putting a sentence together hurt your head, barely able to lift your head or hands, and your body aches but you still have to get up to do things. That is how I feel when I say I don’t feel well. No, I am not depressed and no I don’t just need a good nights sleep

I did watch my beloved Cowboys lose today. It was such a good game. Too bad they lost. It would have been fun to see them play again next week. 

Until tomorrow…

1 comment:

  1. Oops I see I am reading a day behind. I say RA is like being hit by a boulder while walking in a mud bog and surviving. I do hope you get better soon.


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