Friday, January 6, 2023


Once again I got up early in order to get my car to the garage in time to get it fixed. I have a slow leak in my power steering that needs to be fixed. Since my car is 20 years old, it is hard to find parts. 

I took the car to this new place and the guy put the car up on the lift before I left. He called me over and showed me the slow leak. Then he laughed and said he and his son used to work at my dealership and they recognized my car because it is so clean underneath (which it was) and they both remember working on it.  They said my car is in very good condition. It was nice to hear because I don't want to get rid of it yet. He ordered the part and he will fix it next week. 

Then I went home and the landscaper arrived. It wasn't raining so he got a whole days work done. It is looking great. 
The pink triangle is a piece of slate drying in the middle of the photo. The black is wet soil. 

Lucky was sound asleep most of the day but around 5 pm she woke up and wanted to eat. Boy did she eat! She ate the food in her bowl then she wanted to play the game where I put kibble in a hidey toy and then she wanted snacks. I think someone is feeling better. 

Until tomorrow...


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