Tuesday, January 17, 2023


The sun came out today. I barely remembered what to do. Lucky remembered and she wanted to go for an extra long walk. 

I tried on my Christmas present T-shirt from my sister-in-law yesterday and the seam is sewn on the outside. I tried to return it but the return label said I had to pay for the return. I am not sure if you have sent a package lately but it ain't cheap. I called my SIL and she contacted the company and returned it on her end and was able to get a shipping label with free shipping. 

I went to the dentist for the next step in my Invisalign. Today they took photos and scans of my teeth. To do this the dentist had to take the bonding off my two front teeth for the first time in 30 years. My two front teeth have always separated if they weren't bonded so I was afraid to have the bonding taken out. When she took the bonding off I thought my teeth would start to separate right away but it's been hours and my teeth haven't moved so the laser surgery last Friday seems to have worked. I forgotten how thin front teeth are without bonding on them. It feels very weird. Now I wait 3 to 4 weeks for the Invisalign to drive.

Until tomorrow...

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