Tuesday, November 30, 2021


 Today was a very busy day. I worked a lot, went for a walk to the post office, made a stir fry for dinner, and took care of some stuff for my ex-foster kid. My stir fry was made with butternut squash, zucchini, tofu, and broccoli. I ate it with Udon noodles. 

I am going back on Orencia today. I am hoping that it helps with some of my pain. For about two months now I have been having lots of pain in my knees. My left knee hurt so much I was wondering if I hurt it somehow. I knew I didn't fall or trip or twist it. I decided I needed to rest it and elevate it. So I stopped walking for my challenge and walking the dog. I put pillows in my bed so I could elevate my knee. I tried not to go up and down the stairs as much. I stopped squatting when I give Lucky her medicine. Instead I got a little stool to sit on. 

Just this week I noticed that my knee is not bothering me hardly at all. I think it was inflammation and not an injury to my knee.  In fact today Lucky and I walked longer than around the block for the first time in almost two months. So Hurrah!

Until tomorrow...

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