Sunday, November 21, 2021


 Today I continued with my pie prep. First I cleaned out the refrigerator downstairs. I now have two completely empty shelves. Those should hold five pies. 

Then I cleaned off the stove. I know what you are thinking, how dirty is her stove? I clean it all the time. But today I did the deep dive clean. I have a very old Wedgewood stove and it is very hard to clean not like the new stoves. What I really need to do is take all the stove top pieces off and soak them in soapy water. But that is a task for another day. I cleaned them off so they sparkled. 

Then I cleared off my kitchen table so I can cool pies and do assembly on it.  I cleaned off my counter and made lots of room to assemble pies. 

I go my two deliveries from Amazon with my paper pie pans and 8" springform pan. Now I can start on the No Bake Banana Cream pie. I have two 8" pans now. I proceeded to make the crust and put it in the pan. They are chilling in the fridge. The crust is made out of nuts, dates and coconut oil basically. 

The rest will be done tomorrow and Tuesday morning. 

Then I made some roasted Romeanesco cauliflower, zucchini and broccoli and some baked tofu for dinner. It tasted marvelous.

It was a full day. I also talked on the phone with a friend who just moved to the Cincinnati area.

Until tomorrow...


  1. Fired Spam. I am up in Indianapolis. Sheryl and I could easily drive down. :)

  2. It is not spam it is tofu. it is really good!


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