Saturday, November 20, 2021


 Today was a day of action. The first day to get things done. I had my first delivery: food. I have all my ingredients now to make the pies. I am waiting for the pie boxes, pie tins, pie springform pan (I wanted it for Christmas but now can't wait), and ink for my printer. 

I spent part of today planning some more with the help of my brother. Then my cousin helped me make what I call "Calling Card" to let people know where they can find me and who I am. I am going to put it with all the pies. I am also making my logo into stickers to close the pie boxes. Marketing is key!

Tomorrow is clean up and clear out day. I have to clear out the fridge and clear out space in my kitchen. I need to cool down pies, chill them and store them. That is a lot of space and flat space. I don't really have that much space. Tomorrow is the day to make it. Organization is key. I have enough ingredients to make extra pies if I need to. I am ready, I think. All my friends are telling me I am. 

Until tomorrow...


  1. Yum, Pies. I like pie. I don't eat them besides a small bite, with good crust. I do love pie.

  2. It's weird that I don't really like pies. I like every other dessert except creme brulee.


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