Monday, June 1, 2020


Day 80 since I left the house.

Well, today there is another protest.  This one is further away so I don't hear it.  My outdoor camera arrived and I need to install it.  I am just feeling a bit uneasy with the break-in about a week ago and now the violence.

Just to be clear, I am not worried about the protesters since I know they are not doing the violence.  I have protested too many times here and I know that outside agitators come from outside to cause problems.  I have seen it with my own eyes.  I saw it on the live stream from Saturday night.  The people who were looting were not from here.  Young kids were I live do not have cars, they take public transportation.  They can't afford a car, insurance, parking, registration, etc.  Those were suburban kids who have cars.  They were loading the looted stuff into cars and driving away.  The police said they ran license plates and the majority of the cars were from outside the area taking advantage of the fact the police were tied up with the real protesters.  Looters are not protesters, protesters are not looters.  People protesting for a cause to do not smash windows and steal boxes of $2,000 Ferragamo shoes.  Looters and opportunists smash windows and steal boxes of $2,000 shoes.

I can not speak for or begin to understand the horrible anger and pain people feel this week.  Anger and pain come out in different ways for different people.  I just know from living in a lot of places and with different people from different backgrounds, that what seems right for me may not be right for others and what seems like a reasonable reaction to others maybe way off the charts to me.  We all grieve differently and feel pain differently.  I can't tell you how to deal with your pain anymore than you can tell me how to deal with mine. We all see the world through our own lenses.  My hope is that these protests bring some change in police reform using the #8can'twait policies. 

I decided to make a new recipe from the Quick-fix Vegan.  I made Curried Chickpea Patties.  They were very good.  I wish the recipe made more since it only made 5 patties.  I will definitely make this recipe again.  No recipe online.

Until tomorrow...

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