Wednesday, August 17, 2022


 This is a good news bad news situation. I got a phone call early today from the main fence guy telling me the fence company would be calling me today to set up a time for the guy to come out and put the flags. I got all happy that progress was happening. Here's the bad news: no phone call again.  I told the guy yesterday that I was nearing the end of my rope with this company. Today was the final straw. The guy told me he was working on finding me a plan B. So we may have to cancel this contract and go with a plan B. 

Good new of the day is that I called the landscaper back and he is coming next week. I know it will be only a consult but let's see what happens. Just any progress at this rate! 

Besides that I never got out of my pajamas today. I was waiting for the phone call from the fence people. I did not want to miss it. Then I took a bath after business hours. 

I made a stir fry for dinner that was delicious using zucchini, red pepper, tofu and yellow squash. 

Lucky is asleep right now. I hope she sleeps tonight. Last night she had a stuffy nose and was up late trying to fall asleep. I finally had to give her cough medicine to make her sleep. She does not like getting knocked out but imagine trying to sleep when your nose is stuffy and you only breath out of your nose. (dogs only breath out of their noses when they sleep curled in a ball) She was miserable and I was wide awake. I will sleep well tonight.

Until tomorrow...


  1. Well a fence guy who will not let himself be fenced in. LOL
    Sorry I think that is fairly funny. Hey I have a rule stand me up once. OK, mistakes happen. Stand me up twice, well there will not be a third time ever.

    1. I hung in there because I trusted the main guy. I did not trust the sales guy!


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