Sunday, July 3, 2022


 I had leftover bow-tie pasta and leftover chickpeas. So what do I make? Vegan chickpea pasta salad. I used my small food processor (best thing I bought during a Prime Day) and chopped up the chickpeas and the celery. Dumped them in the bowl with the pasta and added vegan mayo. Then I added some spices and salt and pepper. I put some celery seeds on top. 

It made a delicious salad for the holiday weekend. It goes really good with the coleslaw. 

I spent the day cooking but it is something that has to sit overnight. I will have to see how it turns out. 

That was basically my whole day. I had planned on doing other things but they didn't happen. Tomorrow I need to bake cookies because I owe my neighbors some cookies for helping me. 

Until tomorrow...


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