Tuesday, July 19, 2022


 No there is no chair. I spent the day on the phone with Fed Ex talking to supervisors and managers and escalation services. Everyone assured me that the chair would arrive today. I called them all liars. I told them the chair is lost and no one is willing to confess. They told me the chair has been in a van for days and no one dropped it off. I said that was farfetched. No driver was going to drive around with a 50 pound box in their truck for days. Then they said that the box was at the facility and the facility was so behind that they didn't have time to deliver it. Really?? in four days they had no time to deliver one package??  I said if people have the box in their vision than talk to the driver who has the box in their truck and tell them to deliver it. No we don't need to do that it will, I PROMISE, be delivered today. Can I laugh out loud??? I have heard more promises in the last four days than I have shoes. And I have a lot of shoes. 

 UPDATE: As I was sitting here at 8:45pm and a Fed Ex truck pulls up and a guy jumps out. I go outside and ask if he is delivering a box to my house. He was. I asked him if he would carry it up the stairs. He hemmed and hawed about rules. I said would you do it for $40? He grabbed that box and put it up on his shoulder and took it right up those stairs. He did not come in my house but he put it down inside the door and then pushed it a few feet. 

So the chair is here and now I cancelled the appointment to assemble it that was tomorrow morning. 

By the way, the company I bought it from was no help either when I called them.

 Here are some photos from the other day when I made homemade tortillas. 

I am exhausted and I am going to bed. 

Until tomorrow...


  1. Oh my goodness, what a mess. I am so glad it is now installed. I suspect you might have the chair odyssey of the year.

    1. It felt like a chair odyssey. Unfortunately it is not over yet.


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