Saturday, July 4, 2020


Day 113 since I left the house.

First I have to write about little Lucky. Over the past two weeks Lucky has been snoring. Prior to the last two weeks she didn’t really snore. At first I thought she was getting older so she is snoring. Happi snored more when she got older. But it happened sort of sudden not gradual. Then Wednesday night she sounded like she could hardly breathe; like her nose was clogged. Plus she kept waking up each time she couldn’t breathe; sometimes standing up. She barely slept, I barely slept. As someone said it was kinda like sleep apnea. 

I called the vet first thing Friday morning and got her in to see a doctor thanks to my dog walker who took her over and dropped her off. The doctor is pretty sure she has a cold in her upper respiratory area. Basically her nose is stuffed up and since dogs breathe through their noses when they sleep it keeps waking her up. That is why suddenly she is snoring. Lucky got a shot of antibiotics and the dog walker came and took her to the park. She is acting great. Lots of energy other than when she tries to fall asleep in certain positions then she can’t breathe. I figured out that if her head is propped up on a pillow she is much better so last night I let (I never let her do this) sleep under the covers so she could prop her head up on the comforter. It worked so we might do it again tonight. I just don’t want her to get used to it.  Right now I am looking at her trying to sleep sitting up. It’s sad and funny. 

I made a recipe from the Netflix show Nadiya’s Time to Eat. I love that show and hope it comes back. It is a BBC show. The recipe is Crispy Roast Potatoes. So part of her shtick is to use items you have in your cupboard to make quick meals for your family. Part of my shtick is to take those ideas and make them my own. This recipe was a fish dinner. I took the potato part and I am going to use it today with my grilled hot dogs for July 4th. I was unable to find the recipe online so I had to watch the episode again and figure it out. Basically it includes canned potatoes, sun dried tomatoes, basalmic vinegar throw it in a pan and bake it.  It all sounded so easy. Until I could not get the top off the basalmic vinegar. Then it became a construction project. 

The security ring on the top of the Balsamic vinegar was stuck on to the top.  It would not break off.  I tried a multitude of things to break it off including a rubber thing, scissors, screwdriver (of course this punctured my finger as we all knew it would), pliers, wrench and whatever that big silver thing is.  The winner was:

  Here are the potatoes pre-cooking.  I can't wait until they are done and I can eat them.
The recipe called for whole potatoes cut in half but I was only able to scarcely find cut potatoes. 

The finished product.  They taste great!  Now I have to wait until dinner time and I heat up my curry romanesco cauliflower and barbecue hot dogs.  Voila! 

Until tomorrow...

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