Saturday, October 1, 2022


This is going to be short. Last night was very difficult. I had chills and a fever over 100 degrees for about 6 hours and I got very dehydrated. This caused me to get a pretty upset stomach and raging headache. So I was incredibly miserable. I didn't sleep very well. The more I drank, the more I had to get up to pee.

I ended up sleeping very late into the morning. Luckily Lucky was not interested in waking up either so we both stayed in bed late into the morning. Somewhere in the mid afternoon I finally ate some rice and then in the evening I ate an English muffin.

It basically stayed in bed all day sleeping on and off while trying to watch TV. Now I am in bed watching TV and about to go to sleep for the night. I'm hoping tomorrow I will feel so much better and can enjoy the day.

Honestly this vaccine's first night was the most brutal of all five. I had fevers with the other vaccines but mostly for a couple of hours. Last night I felt like I was cooking plus my joints hurt so I didn't want to move. 

I'm already so much better, I'm sure tomorrow will be better. 

Until tomorrow...

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